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Welcome to our journey of candles, growth, and inspiration! Our story begins with an IT professional yearning for a new challenge, a desire to build something remarkable of their own from the ground up. Armed with determination and a burning ambition, we embarked on a  adventure to create a candle store like no other.

At the heart of our mission lies a simple truth: we don't aim to portray ourselves as candle experts or seasoned influencers. Our journey is driven by a more genuine aspiration – to manifest our vision and deliver the utmost excellence through our brand.

From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to share this new journey with our friends, family, followers, and customers. Over time our vision gradually became clear: to not only build a brand but to inspire and motivate others along the way. We believed that by showcasing our own unknown challenging path, we could spark the fires of ambition in others who could relate to how important striving for more but needing a source for accountability. ENOUGHCED is a mindset to strive for more. Whether it's entrepreneurship, investing, influencing, health, career, or any other pursuit, we believe in harnessing the boundless potential within us all.

Despite having little to no experience in the realm of candle-making, we fearlessly delved into uncharted territories. We understood that every step forward would teach us invaluable lessons about the power of perseverance and the rewards of stepping beyond our comfort zones. We embraced the challenges that came our way, knowing that they were the stepping stones to our growth and ultimate success.

Through countless hours of dedication and relentless pursuit of knowledge, we worked to bring forth our very own collection of unique candles. We are learning the immeasurable value of experience, allowing it to shape our craftsmanship and our style in making our brand hopefully stand out. 

Our tale is not just about candles; its about wanting more and just figuring out how to get it by any means necessary. It's an example to the infinite possibilities that can be achieved when one dares to believe in their vision and relentlessly works towards their goals. We invite you to be a part of our journey, as we strive to inspire and empower others to stay persistent with their own dreams with unwavering commitment. One of our favorite quotes we tell ourselves all the time! “Just figure it out!” 

Welcome to our story. We aim to make relentlessly chasing your visions an absolute necessity, represented through our candles—one flickering flame at a time.


Our brand started out with a simple goal of creating unique and inspiring shirt designs. We poured our hearts and souls into every design, carefully crafting each one to convey a message of positivity and empowerment.

But as our brand grew and evolved, we realized that we wanted to do more. We wanted to create products that not only were amazing but also served a purpose - products that would inspire and motivate people to keep working on their dreams and creations because ENOUGHCED is striving to do the exact same! 

That's why we are excited to announce that we are expanding our product line to include more than just shirts. We will be soon offering a range of products that embody our brand's message of positivity and empowerment. Candles have a universal appeal - the way they diffuse scent, create a balanced ambiance in a room, and offer a pleasant experience upon entering a space is something we all appreciate. ENOUGHCED loves candles so we decided we are making our own! 

Through creating our own products, we hope to inspire others with visions and ideas to keep working on their own projects and realize that with dedication and effort, anything is possible.

We are passionate about this new chapter in our brand's journey, and we can't wait to share our new products with you. Thank you for being a part of our story, and we look forward to inspiring and empowering you with our products for years to come.




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